Can Xylitol Reverse Cavities? The Ultimate Guide to Reversing Tooth Decay

reverse tooth decay

Once a cavity is developed, tooth enamel cannot be regrown to fix it, so it is necessary to prevent tooth decay before those cavities form. With the help of Oral Health Coach Carrie Ibbetson, RDH, you can restrengthen your teeth and take the necessary steps toward a healthy, beautiful smile.

How Cavities Form

Cavities are the result of a bacterial infection that eats away at the tooth enamel until a hole (cavity) is created. Plaque (aka biofilm) is a sticky substance made from built-up bacteria, food particles, acid, and saliva. If not properly cleaned from the teeth, plaque can thicken and continue dissolving tooth enamel, leading to dental caries and other dental health issues.

Can Xylitol Reverse Cavities?

Although tooth enamel cannot rebuild itself once it has broken away and progressed into a cavity, it might not be too late to eliminate the infection currently decaying your teeth. Incorporating xylitol into your oral hygiene routines can significantly reduce harmful oral bacteria and promote dental health. Studies have shown that xylitol can prevent cavities by inhibiting the growth of bacteria responsible for cavities, reducing acid production, enhancing remineralization potential, and reducing plaque formation.

Here are a few ways you can help reverse tooth decay:

Adjust Your Diet to Protect Tooth Enamel

Instead of sugary snacks and carbonated beverages, stick to fresh fruits, vegetables, and non-processed items. Sugar sticks to your teeth and breaks down into acids that eat away at the enamel of your teeth and cause decay. Sugar contains carbohydrates, and for each carbohydrate that enters your mouth, acid levels will increase for 20 minutes. This acid production can lead to plaque buildup and dental decay. Chewing sugarless gum containing xylitol can help reduce plaque formation, prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria, increase saliva flow, and potentially reduce the transmission of bacteria from mother to child, ultimately aiding in cavity prevention and oral health maintenance.

Instead of harmful sugars, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with xylitol-rich candy and gum, which act as sugar substitutes. You can enjoy these gums and candies throughout the day, not just around meal time. Gum should only be chewed for a few minutes at a time, not all day, because that can irritate the jaw joint.

Chewing Xylitol Gum for Cavity Prevention

Xylitol is a natural sweetener commonly used in gum and it is one of the only sweeteners that is dentist-approved for your teeth. Xylitol stops plaque from growing on your teeth, which prevents harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay. It also helps neutralize the pH in your mouth, creating an alkaline environment that is hostile to cariogenic bacteria.

Bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive in acidic conditions, so neutralizing the pH will help kill off these bacteria naturally. Chewing xylitol gum after meals can help reduce plaque formation and fight cavities effectively.

Stay Hydrated to Prevent Tooth Decay

Drinking water throughout the day and swishing before you swallow helps flush out bacteria and food particles that get stuck between your teeth. Water also neutralizes the pH in your mouth, giving bacteria and acid an unideal place to develop. Additionally, staying hydrated stimulates saliva production, which is crucial for maintaining oral health.

Add Supplements for Enhanced Dental Health

Adding certain supplements to your diet can break down the biofilm of plaque on your teeth. The following foods and supplements have been proven to break down or prevent the biofilm from forming: arginine, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, fresh pineapple, fresh apples, watermelon, and turmeric. These natural ingredients can help reduce plaque formation and promote dental health.

Test the Bacteria to Tailor Your Oral Health Products

It might surprise you to learn that not all bacteria are bad. There are many types of bacteria in your mouth that help keep it healthy and clean. Testing the bacteria in your mouth helps you identify which specific bacteria you need to eliminate. This helps you develop a plan that will be effective in treating your specific causes of tooth decay, including the use of xylitol-containing products to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria like mutans streptococci and streptococcus mutans.

How Long Does It Take to Reverse Tooth Decay?

Re-mineralizing the teeth and reversing tooth decay requires patience. It will usually take about 3-4 months for the teeth to re-mineralize, and you may have to return after six months to make sure no cavities formed. Regular brushing, using oral health products containing xylitol, and maintaining a balanced diet can help ensure long-term dental health and prevent new cavities from forming.

The Role of Xylitol Toothpaste in Oral Health

Xylitol toothpaste is another excellent addition to your oral care routine. Unlike regular sugars, xylitol works differently by reducing acid production and creating an environment where cavity-causing bacteria cannot thrive. Regular use of xylitol toothpaste can help maintain a healthy oral environment, reduce the risk of dental caries, and support overall dental health.

Natural Sweeteners vs. Traditional Sugars

Xylitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in fruits like mountain ash berries, is a great alternative to traditional sugars. It offers the sweet taste without the harmful effects on teeth. Xylitol consumption has been shown to result in a significant reduction in cavities, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their oral health.

Using Xylitol Chewing Gum to Stimulate Saliva Production

Chewing gum containing xylitol can help stimulate saliva production, which is essential for maintaining a moist mouth and preventing dry mouth. Increased saliva production helps wash away food particles, neutralize acids, and protect tooth surfaces from plaque acids. Incorporating xylitol gum into your daily routine can provide numerous oral health benefits.


Reversing tooth decay involves a multifaceted approach that includes diet adjustments, using xylitol-containing products, staying hydrated, adding supplements, and understanding the bacteria in your mouth. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can help prevent cavities from getting worse, protect your tooth enamel, and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Remember, regular dental check-ups and professional advice are essential to ensure the best results for your oral health.

Want to take control of your oral health?

Check out our free guides for pH control products and controlling kids' cavities. These comprehensive guides provide tips and tricks to help you achieve better oral health. 

And if you're ready to take your oral health to the next level, be sure to sign up for our course. Our oral health coaching program is designed to help you achieve optimal oral health.

Visit to learn more and sign up today.

Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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