dry mouth treatment: 5 Effective Home Solutions
Dry mouth remedies can soothe discomfort and protect oral health. Discover effective treatments for a healthier mouth.
Could Food Allergies be Causing Cavities and Bleeding Gums?
what if, in fact your cavities and gum disease weren’t a result of your lack of homecare, and instead were a result of food allergies, and how food allergies change your saliva?
Bad Breath: How to Tell If You Have It, and What You Can Do About It
Bad breath can be a serious issue, and chances are no one is telling you that you have it! Discover how to tell if you do have it, and what to do about it.
Bad Breath! Can You Cure It or Just Mask It?
did you know that nearly 50% of the US population alone suffers with bad breath, and half of them have chronic bad breath?
Treatment for Dry Mouth
The treatment for dry mouth depends on its cause. For many years, dry mouth was thought to be a natural part of aging. Now, most experts agree that dry mouth cases are often side effects of the many medications people take, rather than aging itself.
Dry Mouth Remedies and Cavity Prevention
Dry mouth is one of the most frustrating things to deal with, both for the client and the clinician. Also, it can be one of the most destructive things that can happen to a mouth if left untreated, and treating it really depends on what the source is.