Toddler Tooth Brushing Made Easy!

Many parents often feel frustrated when it comes to their children and teeth cleaning. If you are feeling this way, sometimes it's good to know that you are not alone. Still, we all know that the job needs to be done, so if you find that you may be feeling the frustrations that I am speaking of, I'm here to tell you that there is good news!

There are many tricks and tips that can make this task seem less of a struggle for all parties involved. As a Dental Hygienist I once felt like I had the answers, now as a mother I (admittedly) eat crow! My sweet little guy has given me a run for my money, and his challenging nature has forced me to think outside the box even more…I'm sure one day I will thank him, right?

Here are some tricks and tips that I hope help you, my fellow parents, who keep fighting the good fight in order to ensure those mouths stay healthy and happy!

Timing is everything!

All too often, the brushing routine is one of the last things done just before bed. By this time of day, our little ones are over it, and have little cooperation if any left in them. Try finding a time when they are relaxed and in a good mood.

Environmental Factors

It isn't necessary to brush teeth in the bathroom. Again, we are trying to set the tone here. If there is a place where your child is more comfortable, go for it! We have found that story time is a great way to get our wee one spending more time with a toothbrush. When we finish story time we head off to the sink to rinse. If you are using toothpaste that is not meant to be swallowed then just use water to brush with initially and then finish the routine up with toothpaste and mouth rinse……not sure if you know this, but toothpaste isn't REALLY necessary (but it is helpful for most people).

Choices, Choices, Choices

One of the easiest ways to get your little noodle interested in brushing is to allow them the option of choosing a toothbrush that they like! We stock brushes that have built in 1 minute flashing timers in them because we have found that kids really like the characters and flashing lights. Not to mention, it gives them a chance to be autonomous which brings us to the next point…..

Practice Makes Perfect

"Mine do it" are the famous and favorite words from our not yet three-year-old. Kids need to push boundaries and set up independence. Let them have a go at it! Often, we both have toothbrushes in hand and take turns cleaning his mouth. It takes a bit more time, but we have very few struggles this way. He gets a children's size brush, and I get a full size extra soft one so that the handle is longer and we don't fight for space. It will take time for the routine to be perfected, patience on this one; it's tough I know firsthand.

Nook and Cranny Cleaner

One of my favorite things to clean the deep grooves in the teeth is a Sulcabrush. This tool is a flossing alternative for adults but works wonders at getting to the places where traditional toothbrushes tend to miss. This is meant primarily for the "chewing surfaces", and not their delicate gum tissue.

Rinse and Swish the Bugs Away

We are huge fans of Xylitol mouth rinse because it helps to change the PH of the mouth and strengthen the teeth naturally. Teaching your kids to swish and spit will allow the rinse to get to areas that you may have missed with the toothbrush. I've included a link to the benefits of Xylitol if you are not sure what it is and the benefits of using it. Practice with water until they get the hang of not swallowing.

Stop While You're Ahead

Be on the lookout for cues when they have had enough and stop just before that. Forcing them to do it for too long may backfire and cause you to lose the battle. If you respect their limits you will find that you can get a little more time in on the next go. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Keep at it and you will find that in the long run, your efforts will pay off! Good luck fellow parents, I have lists of trick and tips and am happy to coach parents and children through this challenging part of life!

Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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